Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Artist.

well for many of you who drop by, and read some of my wandering thoughts. One individual mentioned that I was just a poser, and a hack.

their probably right, but there is something liberating about just looking at life with fresh eyes.
as I prepare for my transfer to the College for Creative Studies. I had an interview with a rep. from Kendall College in GR.

During the interview I was complimented on my technical skills, but found lacking in any artistic ability. The main thought I get in return is I have to find my Artistic voice.

I have to be honest, I do not feel like I have the right to a voice yet. at the moment I'm trying to learn thousands of years of artistic history in just a bit more then 1 year, and all the different mediums, and formats, and themes to express one's artistic voice. I love photography, but I also enjoyed learning to draw, and paint. while I'm honest enough to admit my skills are questionable at best.
The weird part of this journey is how I enjoy working with both the technical, and the artistic.
I enjoy trying to learn all the different lighting techniques I find on Modelmayhem.com. Modelbrigade.com, and other sites that work with the modeling industry. I also find it interesting to meet all the different individuals, and to learn a bit about their story, as we work together.

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